OG Talks

Lasting Wellness: 8 Tips for Healthy Habits
Dec 06, 2023
Taking control of your health and quality of life involves recognizing the significant impact daily habits can have. Establishing healthier routines can lower your risk for various health issues, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and stroke. However, it's essential to acknowledge that creating healthy habits requires planning and effort—it's not an instant fix. Let's explore practical tips on how to develop sustainable and attainable healthy habits.
Perfection Was Never the Goal
Jul 06, 2022
We know what you are thinking: the title of this book "Never Enough" gives off an unattainable tone. Let us paint the...
Keeping Inventory of our Mental State
Apr 30, 2022
Ferris Bueller philosophically stated “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could...
Societal Necessity To "UnThink"
Mar 28, 2022
“If you don’t look back at yourself and think, ‘Wow, how stupid I was a year ago’, then you must...
Don't be Agreeable
Oct 01, 2021
It sounds counter intuitive, but standing for what you believe in allows you to move in life how you want....
Small Victories
Sep 10, 2021
Keep it simple. Understand that anything in this life that is worth doing: is worth overdoing. We all have the "pie in the sky" objectives or "pipe dreams", but these names were give to us by those on the other end; by those who don't dare step outside their comfort zone. The real ones know it takes Small Victories to win the overall conflict and accomplishing the objective.